Monday, June 11, 2007

This is only the beginning...

I just wanted to share with you, my dearest brothers and sisters in Christ, what a tremendous blessing it was to spend that time in Estes Park together! I have SOOOOO many grand memories of not only the fun times, but the quiet times, the worship times, the prayer times...the times when we poured out ourselves before our Maker. Being back at home now for over a week has seemed...well "dull" in a sort of way. I overwhelmingly miss being surrounded by such a great group of set-apart guys and girls. However, even though we don't have each other in arms reach all the time, our Savior is always right by our side. After all, He is our BEST friend and never leaves us! His lovingkindness is better than life (Psalm 63:3). I'm seeing ways that the Lord is opening doors of ministry for me at work...some of these opportunities have been there before, but I have failed to act on them. I'm still so thoroughly excited about the endless frontier that God has in store...and the abundant life that He offers, that I desparately want to share this life with others! It's the greatest adventure! It's exciting! It's thrilling! And to think that this is only the beginning...?!?! WOW!

Some reminders and challenges to ya all: Love the Lord today like you've never loved Him before. Walk in His footprints. Always strive for the Promise Land. Never pitch your tent. Fall into His arms, and He will catch you!

For His glory,


Set apart life said...

Jena! Such a great post...praise God for the attitude He has birthed in you. It is an endless frontier. I know what you mean about missing people...that is probably one of the hardest parts. You'll feel alone and yet just like you said the Savior is so merciful and faithful!

For His renown,

Fedorajon said...

Very true, very true! It is so...just not even a good way to put into words the Joy that the Lord births in us after just being around our brothers and sisters who are passionately seeking Him out and just diving deeper and deeper into His word and the endless frontier! Like any family parting there is sadness and tears, but the reuniting is so wonderful and blessed!!!!