Saturday, June 2, 2007

God's Work

Hi Everyone!

It has been awhile since I blogged on here, but I wanted to share somethings that God taught me while at the AG Conference and also during the days that I spent with some of ya'll.

During the afternoon training on Saturday I started feeling almost sick to my stomach - that feeling I get when the flesh and the spirit are warring inside of me. I didn't know what it was about, but I knew that God was wanting something from me that my flesh desperately wanted to cling to. In conversation with one of the girls I soon learned what God was asking of me and was something I didn't want to let go of easily. As many of you know, I am very passionate about my job and could not imagine doing anything else. I felt that little nudge in my heart, He was asking for me to give up my job. As with Abraham laying Isaac on the altar, He is asking for me to be willing to give up my job for Him. He was asking me to be willing to lay aside everything - all that I love beside Him, so that I will be willing to follow Him when He says go. It took me a long time, several days in fact, but through His word (Psalm 45:10-11) I received the ultimate peace and the joy that comes from falling in love with Jesus and knowing that no matter where He says go, I'll go. It is all about the open hand mentality. I don't know if He is taking me somewhere or if He is just asking me to be willing, but I am SOO excited to see what He'll do next.

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