Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Pray for my PawPaw

Hey y'all,

My grandpa (who I affectionately call PawPaw) has been pretty sick lately and is going into the hospital for some diagnostic testing today. Since I'm a nurse-in-the-making I am going to be frank here: He has had non-stop bloody diarrhea, he has lost a lot of weight, and he refuses to eat. He is not vomiting, which is just about the only good thing. The loose bloody stools indicate a serious problem in his lower digestive tract (from what I've learned through my studies). It could be any of a big variety of things. Anyway, please pray the medical team can figure out what's going on with him and promptly treat it.

And I'm not sure if he is a Christian believer. My Mimi (his wife) is an amazing, strong Christian as are many of my other family members; please pray that we can reflect the presence of Christ around him.

Also, he has a very stubborn personality (but ya gotta love him anyway b/c he's such a great, funny man). Pray with me that whatever the doctors/nurses say for him to do, that he will follow their directions appropriately & accordingly with his treatment plan and not be belligerent. Compliance is a big key to health & healing.

I truly believe in the power of prayer & the power of God's healing hands. Let's join together in the Kingdom and pray for my PawPaw.


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